History of English Literature :


Introduction to Literature:


Literature is the collection of literary parts or writings, that are Plays, Novels, Dramas, Poetry, Abstract ideas, and art of life.


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Importance of Literature:


Literature discloses the culture, norms, and values of society reveals the lifestyles of different people in different eras. Literature expresses the actual feelings, emotions, opinions, and imaginations of authors, poets. 


History of English Literature

 History of English Literature:  

 Mainly English Literature is divided into three periods;


1: Old Period

2: Middle / Medieval period

3: Modern period


In between these periods, the other considerable ages are ;


• Renaissance and Elizabethan age

• Neo-Classical age

• Romanticism and Victorian age

• Modern Literature


In this column, all the prominent ages of English Literature are discussed briefly.



Old Literature:
(From 858 to 1100)



The period of Old English Literature includes two main tracts. 

• Anglo-Saxon (Comprises  600 years)
• Norman Conquest (1066-1350)




Anglo-Saxons were the three tribes, (The Angles, Saxons, and Jutes) who came from Denmark to England through the North Sea Route.


Main Contributions:

• origin of Oral Work (writing was not given much in Anglo-Saxons).

• Major work: Beowulf ( 1st Literary work, an epic poem by an anonymous poet).


Major Literary Poets:

• Cædomn

• the Bede

• Aldhelem

• Cynewulf



Norman Conquest:  

Attack of Normans on England in 1066.

This age is in between the Old and Middle periods.

The union of the Races _

Clergy; Norman people,

 Nobles;  French warriors,

Commoners;  English people

 Bought distinct languages that are Latin Language, French, and English.


Middle Age:
( 1100_1500)

The age from 1350_1500 is the end of this age.

Outlines of Literature of Medieval age:


• Chivalry ( a respect code of the Knight)

• Courtly Love ( rites between a knight and a lady)

• Miracle and Mystery plays ( Also known as Saints Play, main themes had taken from the bible)

• Morality  plays ( Lessons of moral qualities)


Important Literary Figures of Medieval Era:

• William Langland (1322_1400England took: The Vision of William concerning Piers the Plowman)

• John Gower (1325_1408)

(His central theme was man's Salvation)

• Geoffrey Chaucer (1340_1400)

( Father of English Literature (Poetry), the most prominent poet of Middle age, his famous works are “The Canterbury Tales, The House of Fame” )


Renaissance ( 1500_1660):

• French word “Rebirth”

 Bridge between the Middle age and the Modern era.

• Renaissance bought revolutions in Arts, Literature, Philosophy, and Science

• Humanism was the main motive.


 The Renaissance is further configured into;

~ Tudor era ( 1485_1603)

~ Elizabethan Era

 ( relates to Queen Elizabeth's reign from 1558 to 1603, Also called Shakespeare’s period.  

William Shakespeare ( considerable dramatist of all the time) belonged to the Elizabethan era/ Renaissance

~ Jacobian period( 1603_1625)

~ Caroline period ( 1625_1649)

~ Late Renaissance  (1625_1660, Milton age or Puritan age. John Milton was the leading literary figure of this era).


Neo-Classical Age ( 1660_1798):

 • writing was Based on reasons and logics

• Poetry was bound to fixed rules

• Have Public themes

• Also known as the Age of Enlightenment

• Literature was of the type of essays, Satire, letters


Neo-Classical age is further divided into three periods:

~ Restoration Period( 1660_1700)

~ Augustan Literature ( Roman Empire age )

~ Age of Sensibility (1750_1798)


Romantic age of Romanticism ( 1798_1837):

 • Arts and Literature were appreciated.

• Ideas were concerned Human emotions and love

• Main focus was on the respect of Nature


Famous poets of the Romantic age are;

 John Keats, William Wordsworth, William Blake


Victorian Age ( 1837_1901) :

• Queen Victoria's reign

• Major themes were Democracy, Socialism, Feminism

• There were differences between religious and science perspectives.

• Various Conflicts emerged due to these differences


Edwardian Age (1901_1910):

• King Edward came

• Women's dignity in society improved.


Modern Era:
( Twentieth Century, 1901_1945):

• After the world wars and political changes, the Victorian age was replaced by Modernism

• Reveals loss of faith, suffering.

• Women were suppressed.

• Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, T.S Eliot are considerable figures of Modernism.


Post Modernism:

(Since 1945 up to present age)

• Absence of traditionalism.

• Mainly based on Science and Technology.